1: Once I pick the topic, we go to the library to look for books on that specific subject. I always make sure to grab an encyclopedia for children so we can look up definitions and see the pictures.
2: I come home and create a spelling list that we will use throughout the week. Dax will write the word next to mine and do about 3 words a day.
3: I give a definition and history of the topic. In this case we learned about the layers in the rainforest: Emergent, Canopy, undergrowth & floor bed. We talked about what animals leave in each layer.
4: I print out a page or two for Dax to color on that topic. You can google your topic, click images and printables will come up.
5: We look at our globe and see where the rainforests are located. By the equator.
6: We put together our puzzle
7: We visit a location that has to do with that specific topic. In our case, it was the Rainforest cafe!
Rainforest Cafe Fun!
If you've never been here to eat, it's a must see!
It seriously feels like something they would put in Disneyland.
The animals make sounds and move. There is even a thunderstorm.
It scared Jocelyn for a while, but she got used to it. Since we don't do things
like this very often, we took a lot of pictures. Im so glad we have one
of these restaurants here in Arizona.
Dax got to see what a Rainforest might look like.