Free Range Kids

Free Range Kids!
Raising children to be healthy and self-reliant in an unpredictable world can be tough. You've come to the right place. I am a homeschooler taking a stand for my kids to "be kids". I love the title "Free Range Kids" as is accurately depicts my teaching and parenting style. While learning can be serious business, so is play time! I use a Montessori approach in my teaching... allowing my children to touch, taste, feel and experience a little thing called LIFE. Teaching from love and not fear has been an obstacle I've had to overcome. Come on this journey with me as we teach, love and raise strong independent children!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rainforest Week!

        I typically pick out my spelling list topic from my Melissa and Doug floor puzzles. I decided that we would do all things "Rainforest" this past week. Here is what we do:

1: Once I pick the topic, we go to the library to look for books on that specific subject. I always make sure to grab an encyclopedia for children so we can look up definitions and see the pictures. 
2: I come home and create a spelling list that we will use throughout the week. Dax will write the word next to mine and do about 3 words a day. 
3: I give a definition and history of the topic. In this case we learned about the layers in the rainforest: Emergent, Canopy, undergrowth & floor bed. We talked about what animals leave in each layer. 
4: I print out a page or two for Dax to color on that topic. You can google your topic, click images and printables will come up. 
5: We look at our globe and see where the rainforests are located. By the equator. 
6: We put together our puzzle 
7: We visit a location that has to do with that specific topic. In our case, it was the Rainforest cafe! 

Rainforest Cafe Fun! 
If you've never been here to eat, it's a must see!  
It seriously feels like something they would put in Disneyland.
The animals make sounds and move. There is even a thunderstorm.
It scared Jocelyn for a while, but she got used to it. Since we don't do things
like this very often, we took a lot of pictures. Im so glad we have one 
of these restaurants here in Arizona. 
Dax got to see what a Rainforest might look like. 

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