Free Range Kids

Free Range Kids!
Raising children to be healthy and self-reliant in an unpredictable world can be tough. You've come to the right place. I am a homeschooler taking a stand for my kids to "be kids". I love the title "Free Range Kids" as is accurately depicts my teaching and parenting style. While learning can be serious business, so is play time! I use a Montessori approach in my teaching... allowing my children to touch, taste, feel and experience a little thing called LIFE. Teaching from love and not fear has been an obstacle I've had to overcome. Come on this journey with me as we teach, love and raise strong independent children!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday's Montessori Activities

Today's activities were quite simple and taught a few skills I want my children to learn. Grace, Poise and balance was taught by putting tape on the floor in different patterns and walking on it, trying not to touch the "lava" a.k.a floor. 

Next was a station of lid matching. This involved a great deal of concentration. Not all the lids were easy to get on. That blue tupperware one is really tricky and takes a lot of muscle. It did not require screwing the lid on either.

"Put the clothespins around the container" station was a hit. I had different clothespins...some super easy to squeeze and put on, and others were just plain hard. This taught muscle use in fingers, coordination and concentration.

 I put the mop in their hands and had them trace the lines. This is great for teaching life skills too "mopping floors".  They also pushed a pillow, a laundry basket and raced back and forth. You could also have children walk backwards or throw a bean bag at them and have them try to catch it or stay on the tape.

 And here is Dax trying to put the lid on the cup. It was a tricky one. I also made him thread a napkin ring. All great life skills.
Another great day of Montessori