Free Range Kids

Free Range Kids!
Raising children to be healthy and self-reliant in an unpredictable world can be tough. You've come to the right place. I am a homeschooler taking a stand for my kids to "be kids". I love the title "Free Range Kids" as is accurately depicts my teaching and parenting style. While learning can be serious business, so is play time! I use a Montessori approach in my teaching... allowing my children to touch, taste, feel and experience a little thing called LIFE. Teaching from love and not fear has been an obstacle I've had to overcome. Come on this journey with me as we teach, love and raise strong independent children!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Birth of the Earth!

Today I got out some of my Montessori notes, studied them and then decided to teach Dax about the birth of the earth. We talked about what the earth looked like when it first formed. I showed him pictures and drew examples as we went along. We talked about how the earth is millions of years old. Then we talked about Trilobites and what they are. I tried to draw one for him. Since they are extinct and all we have are fossils of what they looked like, we got out the playdough and imprinted things in it. We talked about fossils. I didn't totally get through the lesson because once I got out that playdough that is all the kids wanted to do. And since I teach in a child led approach, I let their curious minds sculpt and build with that playdough. 

 These are my not so fabulous drawing of earth when it was first formed.

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