Free Range Kids

Free Range Kids!
Raising children to be healthy and self-reliant in an unpredictable world can be tough. You've come to the right place. I am a homeschooler taking a stand for my kids to "be kids". I love the title "Free Range Kids" as is accurately depicts my teaching and parenting style. While learning can be serious business, so is play time! I use a Montessori approach in my teaching... allowing my children to touch, taste, feel and experience a little thing called LIFE. Teaching from love and not fear has been an obstacle I've had to overcome. Come on this journey with me as we teach, love and raise strong independent children!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A fun day of learning!

I supplement Montessori with some activity sheets. I love She has tons of printables. This particular activity involved cutting. Which is Montessori (think hands on). I discovered quickly that my 6 yr old really has no idea how to cut. I was able to show him how. He has fun coming up with silly sentences using the site word "after". 

 I got our little chalk board out and drew letters with chalk. Jocelyn traced the letters with a wet finger.
                                                 SENSORY ACTIVITY!
 You could easily make your own chalkboard by purchasing a frame from dollar tree and some chalk paint. Paint the glass on the frame and voila!

  Someone gave me this magnet board a long time ago. I almost threw it away. Then today I was going through my junk box and the light came on! This is totally Montessori. We build alphabet letters on it with magnets.

This week we are talking about manners. We did some role play. These are always good to review with little children as they will forget easily and need reminded.  I found some great ideas from

Manners Games and Activities

Role PlayRole play the following situations. . . .

1.Two children are sitting at a table coloring. One child needs a crayon that is out of his/her reach. It is within the reach of the other child. What should the first child say to the other child nearest the crayons? (Choose two children to act this out.)

2. The children are in line at the drinking fountain. Another child asks the second child in line to let him/her have "cuts" in line. What should that second child in line do? (As many children may role-play this activity as the teacher desires).

3. The teacher is giving directions and one child in the class has a question to ask about the directions being given. What should that child do?

4.It's a cold day outside and one child has a sweater and a coat. Another child has no sweater or coat and is wearing a short-sleeved shirt. What should the first child do in this situation? (Choose two children to act out this situation. Either use a real sweater and coat or just pantomime putting them on.)

Please and Thank You~If you were the only person in the world, you wouldn't need manners. But there are lots of people in the world, and good manners help everyone get along together.
~When we ask for something we say "Please", when someone gives us something, we say "Thank You".
~At lunch time, we know we wash our hands and sit up straight at the table. And we know that its not polite to talk with our mouths full.
~When we play together, everyone has a good time when we share, and are polite to each other.
~When we are playing with our friends, it is not polite to whisper about someone who is near by, because it might hurt their feelings.
~It is not polite to interrupt someone who is trying to talk.
~Everyone likes a person who has good manners. Good manners make everyone happened make you a person who is nice to know.

Question Time~What should you say if you walk in front of someone? You say "Excuse me"
~Moving over so someone can sit down is called? "Sharing"
~When you ask for something you say....."Please"
~When you receive something you say...."Thank You"

We ended the day with some ice cream and frozen berries. Sensory; cold eating, tasting and touching. Almost anything can be montessori!